Saturday 27 October 2012

Dark Circles Under Eyes

How to Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles can make you look older, tired, stressed, sick, depressed and just plain bad.
Dark circles are a common non-hormonal skin problem or condition.
Dark circles under the eyes are caused by a very specific physiological mechanism. There are many contributing factors to the development of these dark circles and even more things that can make them worse.

Dark circles under the eyes are an extremely common and distressing issue.

Dark circles are not caused by stress, all-night work or partying sessions or fatigue. Dark circles under the eyes are a fact of life. Many people assume they're caused by not getting enough sleep, and they're right.
Dark circles are caused by one of three primary reasons. Vasculature inflammation. Late nights, allergies and nutritional deficiencies can enlarge the blood vessels beneath the thin under-eye skin. They acquired them with age and have failed to remedy the problem despite throwing every trick in the book at them.

  • Heredity is one of the main reasons to suffer from dark eye circles.
  • Stress or depression.
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight, especially during summer.
  • Lack of sleep or fatigue.
  • Genetic hyper-pigmentation is the most treatable form of dark circles.
The best way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is to eat, drink and sleep well, reduce stress and combat fatigue.
There is one cosmetic - a light-reflecting concealer - which helps because it contains titanium powder which reflects light across the dark area.
The best way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is to eat, drink and sleep well, reduce stress and combat fatigue.
Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt. Eat food with rich vitamins and iron. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Home Remedies Dark Circles Tips:

One of the best natural cures for dark circles under the eyes involves using cucumber slices for more information on making cucumber eye pads see Cucumber Benefits for Great Skin and Eyes

Other home remedies for dark circles surrounding, or under the eyes include:
  • 1. Drink at least ten glasses of water everyday.
  • 2. Yoga can also help you to get rid of dark circles. Do pranayam for at least 5 minutes everyday.
  • 3. Massage dark circles with any cold cream before going to bed at least for 15 minutes.
  • 4. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice.
  • 5. Dip cotton balls in rose water or chilled water and keep it over the darker areas for 5-10 minutes.
  • 6. Almond oil is the excellent skin food. Massage under and around the eyes with almond oil daily for 2 weeks.
  • 7. Apply moisturizers with natural ingredients such as avocado oil, sesame, vitamin K and Vitamin E.
  • 8. Apply a paste of powdered almonds and milk under the eyes.
  • 9. Slurp this juice to get rid of those tainted circles. Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt.
  • 10. Eat food with rich vitamins and iron. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • 11. Use sunglasses while out in the sun to protect your eyes from the harmful rays.
  • 12. Cut some fresh figs in half and place them under the eyes. Keep them there for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse it with warm water.
For More Information :

Sunday 7 October 2012

Nail Art + Tips & Tricks

Nail Art Water Marble + Tips & Tricks!

Have you tried water marble manicures in the past? 

Have you been less than satisfied with the results?

Did you experience air or water bubbles that made your nail art look less than stellar?

Maybe the polish all pulled off the surface of the water every time you tried to draw a design?

Would  you love results like these? 

Well.  Have I got the tutorial for YOU! 


But seriously, folks...

So here's the deal.  I've seen some amazing water marbles out there on MUA and flickr, etc.  But every time (until very recently) I tried to achieve those results myself I have failed miserably.  Why?  I didn't know.  I read every tutorial I could find.  I watched countless youtube videos.  They make it LOOK so easy!  But when I tried to do it myself, the universe just wasn't playing ball.

Until about 2 days ago.  I don't even know what happened.  The stubbornness in me just took over and I wasn't going to stop until I broke the code!  ;)

This post is the result of all the attempts I made at water marbling and all the things I learned in the process.  I am NOT a water marble expert!  I just hope my tips and tricks help others out there get the results they are after.  I was pretty frustrated until I figured it out.  

Save yourself the frustration!  Read this FIRST!!!!

Enough talking about it. Let's get started.  Here's what you'll need before you begin:

Water Marble Supplies

 Gather all these supplies BEFORE you get started:
  • Distilled or Filtered ROOM TEMPERATURE water (except if your room is super hot or cold! lol)
  • Your chosen nail polish colors (at least 2!)
  • Q-tips
  • Toothpicks or an orange stick (for cleaning up the extra polish from surface of water)
  • Tweezers (for picking off stray hairs- especially helpful if you have furry babies around!)
  • Scotch tape or Vaseline (to keep your fingers mostly clean during the process)
  • Scissors (to cut the tape off when you're done)
  • A brush for clean-up ( I use an angled eyeliner brush from Target)
  • OPTIONAL- something metal and pointy. (I use a mini fondue skewer but you could get away with a toothpick or orange wood stick)

Basically in order to water marble, you are going to drip drops of polish onto the surface of the water, draw a design in the polish, and dip your nail into the design so it sticks.

NOTE:  I use both of the pictured cups.  Sometimes I find the disposable mcD cup works better, other times the little sippy cup works better.  Go figure.  I know glass works well also and the upside of that is it's NOT disposable- you can clean the gooey polish off with acetone and re-use it (for polish ONLY) till your heart's content.
Step 1:
  • Start with a regular mani.  Base coat, and at least 1 coat of a base color of polish.  White works well if you plan to use light or bright (neon) colors.  Silver can look pretty darn cool also and it's what I used in the above pic.  When the colors disperse they become slightly transparent.  The silver base gave the neon pink I used a gorgeous glow!

Step 2:
  • Tape up your fingers or cover them in Vaseline or cuticle oil.  I find tape to be the easiest to use.  There is a tutorial on youtube here for how exactly to tape them so it's easy to get off when you're done.  The idea is to protect your skin so your fingers aren't covered in polish when you dip them in the water.

Step 3:

  • Fill your cup with water.  Actually you might want to do this before you have tape all over your fingers.  ;)  Make sure the caps of your polish bottles are loose and ready to go before you start.  You need to work somewhat quickly for this to all work out.

Step 4:
  • Drop your polish into the water.  You want to be just above the surface.  If you drop it from too far away sometimes the polish will drop to the bottom of the cup or you'll get splashes of polish or air bubbles.
Note:  If your colors are coming out too pale, leave the brush over the water longer.  When the brush is JUST barely touching the water, leave it there longer and the water will "pull" more color from the brush to give you brighter results.
  • There are many video tutorials for doing specific designs.  I'm going to focus on the basics here.  Just check out youtube if you want to see all the possibilities!
  • All the designs I've seen call for building a "bullseye."  So drop one color into the center of the cup.  Then drop the next color directly in the center of the first color.  The next color goes in the middle of the last one and so on.  Continue until you have built up your "bullseye."

NOTE:  I have noticed in my experiments that the first 2 or 3 rings of the bullseye can be any color!  So if you want to conserve a certain polish, use something you don't care about to START the bullseye.  This will make more sense after you read the next step.  ;)
 Step 5: 

This is where my super duper stubborn brain comes into play.  This is when you "draw" your design.

  • Very gently drag your tool through the polish to make your design. Again I use the little metal skewer.  You can use a push pin as well.  Lots of girls use an orange wood stick- I like the precision of the sharper point on the metal tools.

Every time I tried to do this before, I would start to drag my tool through the polish and things got bad from there. The polish gummed up and all lifted off with the skewer.  It sticks to it and I can't get a pretty design.  I think I have found the solution to that problem.

I thought maybe it was my water ( I tried britta, pure, and distilled water!), the temperature of the water, the cup, etc.  FINALLY I think I figured it out!

When you start to draw your design, DON'T START FROM THE VERY OUTSIDE EDGE!!!!!

That's it!   Sounds simple, right?!  XD

Here's what I mean:

If you start "drawing" from the outside edge, things fall apart quickly!

Red means NO, green means GO! Start a few rings IN towards the center and continue "drawing" your design.
Note:  After every "line" you "draw" wipe off your tool. Polish loves to stick to polish- so it's easier to "draw" with a clean cool.
Step 6: 

  • Once your design is good to go, pick a spot that you want to aim for that you think is pretty.
  • When you are ready to dip your nail into the water, make sure you have it at the right angle.  
Before, when my water marbles looked like poo, I was essentially doing a belly flop onto the design.  Finally I learned that in order to avoid air bubbles, you need to keep your nail at an angle and dip it in more gently!  haha! 

Here's what we're trying to avoid:
See those unsightly spots? Those were air bubbles. Yeah. Not pretty.
They allow the base color to show through.

Here's what I mean by the correct angle:

To avoid air bubbles, LEAD your nail into the water with the free edge and keep the angle consistent as you dip.
Step 7: 
  • Once your nail is under the water, leave it there for a sec.  While you're doing that, clean the surface of the water with a toothpick or orange wood stick, etc.  Just use your tool to scrape polish off the water.  It comes off like this:

Except your finger will still be in there! haha!
  • Once your water surface is clean, slowly slide your finger out at the same angle you put it in.
Note:  If you have any water drops on your nail you can soak them up quickly with a Q-tip or the corner of a paper towel.  DON'T TOUCH THE POLISH!  Just the water.  It should come off easily.  Anything other than a large-ish drop of water usually just dries ok and does not become a problem.
 Here's what I mean:

Gently soak up water drops.
Gently soak up any water drops.

Step 8: 
Once you're all done with that finger, you can cut the tape off (or leave it till you finish that hand) and continue the other fingers!

Note:  Sometimes the surface of the water will become "dirty."  There will be small bits and pieces of polish or something, who knows what, floating around in there.  We don't want those to end up obscuring our design or getting on our nails.  To clean the surface, drop a drop or two of polish on the water, use your tool to spread it ALL THE WAY TO THE EDGES OF THE CUP, and wait a second for it to dry.  Then use your tool to pull it off the surface and look!  All clean! 

Here's proof: 
add a couple drops, pull edges to sides of cup. wait till it's dry.
See?  all the way to the edges of the cup.

Then scrape if off by running your tool along the outside edge of the cup.

The polish lifts off easily leaving behind clean water!

Well, my friends.... I think that's it!  I REALLY hope you give water marbling another try.  It can be really fun!  There's so many different color combo's I want to try - and it's hard to figure out how to make a pretty nail art design with 4 or 5 colors don't you think?  But water marbling is perfect for it!
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.  Feel free to comment and ask questions.  I will reply!  ;)

And much love to all the girls on MUA and also to mysimplelittlepleasures for trying to help me!  Seems like in the end I always end up helping myself...
Here's some more pix of the resulting mani:
nail art water marble- neon pink and black over silver base

I think it turned out pretty!

my best water marble, yet!  XD

Although it IS hard to take pix of your dominant she is!

Until next time, love and nail polish to you all.  

Saturday 29 September 2012

Feel Cute Ladies Beauty Parlour: Tips!!

Feel Cute Ladies Beauty Parlour: Tips!!: People want to have a fair face for enhancing their beauty. Especially in Asian countries, people have a fetish for fair skin. But on...


People want to have a fair face for enhancing their beauty. Especially in Asian countries, people have a fetish for fair skin. But only few are blessed to have a really fair complexion. But, do not let worry dominate your mindscape. You do not have to splurge a lot of money in the beauty parlours to get fairer skin or buy expensive fairness cream. The only thing you need to buy a good sunscreen (SPF 30+) before stepping out of home, and when you are at home, it is necessary to wear sun block (SPF 15). You can get fair skin at home by using the products which are available in your kitchen. 

Here are some tips for getting fair skin at home, which must be used only when you use a good sun block.

1. Scrub a half of lemon on your face daily to lighten your skin tone. Lemon is an excellent bleaching agent, and it is very helpful in ironing out the blemishes of the face. Try this home remedy forgetting fair skin at home.

2. Squeeze a juice of potato in a bowl, and apply this on your skin to bleach your face. Your skin's will get fair gradually after using this home remedy .

3. Use tomato mashed tomato pulp on your skin to give a pinkish glow to your skin. Tomato is very good for giving you fair skin tone .Home remedy of tomato also absorbs excess oil of your face to treat open pores of your face.

4. Home remedy of lemon juice and honey in equal quantity and apply on the skin to get fair skin.

5. Take half teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon; apply on your face to get fair skin at home.

6. Apply cucumber juice with lemon juice to lighten your skin. This home remedy is very useful for making oily skin fair.

7. Apply plain curd on your skin to get fair and soft skin. Curd is a good source of zinc and lactic acid, both aid in lightening the skin tone.Curd is an excellent home remedy for getting fair skin.

8. Apply coconut water to get fair and flawless skin at home . This home remedy is helpful in lightening the scar of chicken pox also.

9. Massage your skin with almond oil or olive oil to get fair and soft skin, you can add a pinch of saffron to get better results. You can use this home remedy for your small babies at home also.

10. Mix 1 spoon of milk powder, 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of almond oil. Apply this concoction on your skin; leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off. This is an effective skin lightening mask. This home remedy gives excellent results in getting fair skin at home.

11. Home remedy of Cucumber juice mixed with honey is very useful for making dry skin fairer.

12. Apply egg white on face twice a week to get fairer skin. Use this home remedy if you have to make your oily skin fair at home.

13. Mix oatmeal, curd with tomato to make a face pack for getting fair skin at home.

14. Mash a tomato and pour 4-5 drops of lemon juice, and apply this home remedy on your skin to get fair skin.

15. Mix papaya, honey, milk and milk power, and apply this home remedy on your skin to get fairer face instantly. This remedy is good for oily skin.

16. Apply sandalwood paste mixed with almond oil to get fair skin. This home remedy is a good home facial for getting fair skin at home.

17. Soak up almonds in the raw milk overnight, and grind it to apply on your skin. It is an excellent home remedy in giving you fairer skin tone.

18. Using raw milk on your skin lightens your skin tone. You can use this remedy on your babies also to get fair skin.

19. Clean your face with raw milk in which a pinch of saffron is added. Use this home remedy with cotton pads daily to get fairer and clearer skin at home daily.

20. Use home remedy of fuller's earth (multani mitti) with sandal wood paste to get fair and glowing skin at home.

21. Take 2 table spoon gram flour(besan) , 1 spoon of raw milk, 6 drops of lime juice with few drops of olive oil to make face pack to get fair skin. This home remedy is good for all skin types.

22. Boil cumin seeds in water, and rinse your face with this water to reveal fair and radiant skin. Use this home remedy for getting fair and radiant skin at home.

23. Apply lentil (masoor daal) with milk or curd. This home remedy is very good face pack for getting fair face ,and body. Use it daily to get results in 15 days.

24. Grind the dried orange peel and mix it with milk or curd to l get fair skin tone.

25. Boil radish in the water and apply this water on the face to get fair skin at home.

26. Soak black gram (urad) with 4 almonds in the raw milk and grind it in the morning. Apply this pack on your skin to get excellent results to lighten your skin in few days if used daily. This home remedy is excellent in getting fair skin at home.

27. Mix 2 spoon of mint juice with half spoon of lemon juice.Use this home remedy on your skin to get fairer skin; this pack knocks out the whiteheads as well as exfoliates the skin.

28. Apply the juice of ripe pineapple to get fair skin naturally at home.

29. Mix cucumber pulp (grated) with curd to apply on your skin, and see your skin gets fairer in few days.Try this home remedy for sure.

30. Home remedy of Fuller's earth (multani mitti) mixed with rose water to make it skin lightener for oily skin.

31. Mix watermelon with papaya to get makes a fairness face pack to get fair skin at home for oily skin.

32. Grind chirongi (sunflower seeds) which has been soaked up in milk overnight with few strands of saffron to get fairer skin. This remedy is best for very dark skinned people. Use this remedy to daily to make even dusky complexion lighter. It will take time to improve your complexion if you have dark skin, but it will work surely. So, have patience. You can trust this home remedy if if have really dusky tone, it will help you in getting fair skin at home in few months or years.

33. Apply turmeric with honey and lemon to get fairer skin. Do not use this if have dark skin.

34. You can use this excellent home remedy of liquorice with honey to get fair skin.

35. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 spoon of curd, 1 spoon of fuller's earth, 1 spoon of honey to make a face pack to make your skin fair as well as tightening the skin.This home remedy is helpful in getting fair skin at home.

36. Take 2 spoon of sugar with juice of a lemon to scrub your face. Scrub your face till sugar granules do not melt . Use it on your face, neck, elbows, legs to get fairer and softer skin. Do not do this if you have pimples on your face as pimples will burst in the process of scrubbing. This home remedy is helpful in getting you fair and smooth skin.

37. Use home remedy of lentil with rice after grinding to make it a skin lightening scrub for your face.

38. Home remedy made by Mixing turmeric, cream (malai) and gram flour to exfoliate your face on the alternate day to get fairer skin. Exercise caution while using turmeric, as it will give yellowish tinge to your face.

39. Spray rose water on the skin to get fair skin.

40. Breadcrumbs with cream (malai), when applied daily make you fair.

41. Face pack of saffron with cream( malai )makes you fair.

42. Malai with besan(gram flour) is the best for dry skin, this home remedy will help you in getting you fair skin.

43. Malai with curd works well in making you fairer. Try this home remedy to get creamy and fair skin at home.

44. Home remedy of Curd with honey is a skin lightener. Use this home remedy for 15 days to get fairer skin like never before.

45. Home remedy of Curd with lemon works good for giving you fair and silky skin.

46. Curd with tomato will give you excellent result, if you use it before bedtime daily. Try this home remedy for getting fair skin at home.

 47. Coconut oil is helpful in giving you light skin.

48. Milk and chapatti (bread) is very good fairness facial mask at home. Mash bread (chapatti) in milk to make a paste to apply, see results in just 15 minutes after washing off. this home remedy helps you in getting you fair skin at home.

49. Home remedy of Milk powder with honey makes your skin light and eases out fine lines of dry skin.

 50. Home remedy of Milk with honey will help in getting you fairer if you use it daily.

 Note -Wherever the word milk has been used, it stands for raw milk.

Friday 28 September 2012

Beauty Tips


1.       Easy & Quick Solution to Dandruff
Dissolve 2 aspirins in any dandruff shampoo and then wash your hair. Results are amazing dandruff.

2.           Make Your Own Herbal Hair Oil
(For dandruff & strong hair)
Take a bunch of mehendi leaves along with amla pieces (either fresh or dried ones which have been soaked overnight).
Grind these coarsely together.
Now take about 150 ml of coconut oil in a cooking vessel (kadai) and add the paste to it.
Simmer on low flame till all moisture evaporates.
Cool and strain use regularly.
Keeps dandruff away and also makes hair roots strong.

3.           For a Glowing Face
Make a paste of 2 table spoons of cream (malai), 1½ table spoons of Ata (wheat flour ) and few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 5 minutes, then remove it and wash.
[Note : For oily skin use besan (gram flour) instead of Ata.]
Try to think positive, take proper sleep and drink lots of water certainly no one can look more charming.
4.           For Chicken Pox Marks
Kachha  doodh with chiraunji  (bheegi hui) mix it well and make a paste, apply it on chicken pox marks, they will disappear in few days.

5.           For Best Hair
Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Take some petals of hibiscus and grind it in the mixer. Apply this paste to your hair and then rinse it. For better result you can boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter this oil and use it to control hair loss and thinning, you can also use Jaborandi oil which is again an extract of hibiscus flower.

6.           Tomato Wrap
Make a puree of 4 tomatoes. Soak some rice for 30 minutes and grind it coarsely. Add this to the pureed tomatoes. Apply this mixture all over the body and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Bathe with warm water; this is a good scrub recipe for oily skin.

7.           Hair Care
Problem: Excessive hair loss or getting early grey hairs.

Remedy: Soak some methi seeds in night and in the morning make the paste of the seeds and apply it to your scalp. After 1½ - 2 hrs rinse it with plane water. This will strengthen your hair and make them dark and shiny.

8.           Skin care
Problem: If your face is dry and rough.
Remedy: Take equal amount each of Melon, Pumpkin, Cucumber and Watermelon and make a paste of these. Then blend it with milk cream and apply it on your. After 1 hr rinse your face with plane water.
Problem: Sunburn.
Remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of Besan with 2 teaspoon of curd and apply it on your face. Let it remain on the face for ½ hrs. Rinse with plane water. Helps in curing sunburns.

9.           Skin Tips
Improve your complexion
Mix equal amounts of Cucumber juice and Lime juice and apply them to your face before taking bath; wait for at least 10 mins.  Your complexion will improve.

10.       Household Tips for your skins– Using Tomatoes
Tomatoes are Anti-Oxidant hence including tomatoes in your daily diet will make your skin Wrinkle Free. And using the paste of one day old curd with a tomato and applying it to your skin soft. Also, if you skin is oily then applying the its pulp on your face for 15 min. then rinse your face with warm water. This will absorb extra oil from your skin and improve your complexion.

11.       Beauty Tips
a. After the Mehendi dries, remove it and apply some Vicks Rub on your hands, let it be there for 5-6 hours. The color of your Mehendi will darken.
b.      Remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of Besan with 2 teaspoon of curd and apply it on your face. Let it remain on the face for ½ hrs. Rinse with plane water. Helps us during sunburns.
c.       After removing the skin of the Cucumber and making a paste of the cucumber with raw milk and applying it on your skin will improve your complexion.

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